Ongoing Prayer Requests

Prayer for Cancer Healing by Sr. Anne Marie Walsh

Loving Father, I come before you trusting in your goodness, kindness and the power of your healing love as I lift up to you (insert name) and their sickness.

Heal them Lord of their cancer. Lord, you know all things, you can do all things and I know you love them very much. Only you know what is best for them and what they need in terms of healing.

As I sit before you now lay your hands upon them, touch them, heal them and bring them wholeness of body, mind, emotions and spirit. Let the grace of your divine love and power flow to them right now to reach the inner recesses of their being and spread to the different parts of their body.

Take away any pain or feeling of discomfort. Correct any malfunctioning of their bodily organs and tissues. Melt with the heat of your healing love all their abnormal and cancerous growths. Arrest the further spreading of those sick cells and create in them new and healthy cells.

Root out all the hurts embedded in their subconscious through the years. Heal all feelings of rejection, anger, frustration, aggravation. Heal all painful memories of the past and repercussions of traumatic experiences. As you root out all these hurts, fill that void with your spirit of love, peace and understanding, acceptance, meekness and tenderness, kindness, concern and generosity.

As we completely surrender to you their cancer sickness, deliver them from dwelling on fears, anxieties, hopelessness and from all negative thoughts. Give them the grace to offer all their pains and sufferings for other suffering people like them, especially those sick with cancer who have no one to support and pray for them.

Help them to see the blessings of each trial, to realize each victory from every tear, to see your guiding hand and feel your loving presence in everything that is happening, confident that you are totally in control. Help them to see the lessons from any mistakes of the past and to work on changes that may be needed.

And then, dearest Lord, after they have been healed may their life be a witness to your love, peace and healing power for others and bring glory, honor and praise to you.

All these we pray in the name of Jesus, through the intercession of Mary
and all the saints and angels.


(please use the above prayer for others by inserting their name)

For my sister and her children, and for the sweet soul of her dearly departed husband. denise

Sweet little Jonah

For the repose of the soul of sweet Candice Jean Coleman

Greg Walsh, Sr. Anne Marie’s brother

Blanca and her sister in law Rosa.  Rosa has lung cancer.

Don Lufton, stage IV colon cancer

Annette Martinez, stage IV ovarian cancer

Sandra K.  May her PET scan be clear.  Praises to God, she had good news.

Our patrons at Fr. Woody’s, including Nathan, Stevie, Bo, Roy and Nadia. Dave, Ken, Marita and Charles.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Karen Pope, who passed away October 29, 2018

Please pray for the repose of Allen Walsh, Sr. Anne Marie’s nephew, who was hit by a car.

Please pray for C.B. as she is healing from surgery and side effects.  Thank you.

Please pray for S.K. as she is in a recurrence, and needs our prayers and support.  Thank you.

Please pray for a retreat sister, D.C., who needs an ongoing infection to heal. She is a very active woman, devout Catholic, and needs your prayers.  Thank you.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Stacie Johnston. May she Rest In Peace.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Judy M. and may she Rest In Peace.

Please pray for the repose of the soul Sr. Anne Marie Walsh’s father. May he Rest In Peace.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Karen S. and may she Rest In Peace.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Maria H. and may she Rest In Peace.

“Eternal Father,
I offer You the most precious blood
of thy Divine Son, Jesus,
in union with the Masses said
throughout the world today,
for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory,
for sinners everywhere,
for sinners in the universal Church,
for those in my own home,
and in my family. Amen.”

St. Gertrude the Great


  1. Carmen Bengtsson says

    Please pray for my son-in-law- that his cancer completely dissaperar and his health improves


    • Oh no. Dear Carmen we ask St. Peregrine, Patron Saint of cancer patients to intercede for the recovery of your dear som-in-law. God Bless you both. Please tell us how he does. 😓🙏❤️


  2. Mary Safranek says

    Please pray that I can live outside of the box. By faith and not emotions. In peace and not despair. I am asking God for a new liver as the cirrhosis of my liver has questionable nodules. I am a candidate for liver cancer and I try not to remember what my liver actually looks like. We all need physical healing but I have so many other hindrances like needing focus and discipline to pray often and exercise and eating like an monk.


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